A Stand-Alone Product or Additive with Hydrophobic Properties
HydraGuard offers multiple benefits
to landfill community and remediation contractors. Never has a product been created before that had such a broad spectrum of uses . HydraGuard provides Odor Suppression, Rain and Storm water Intrusion Suppression, Slope Erosion Control, Dust Control and when linked with other NWC cover materials enhances their durability in all environmental periods.

HydraGuard – Video of Testimonial
On Dust Control, Odor Control and Reduction in Leachate due to Storm Water Intrusion. Dale Hughes, a site manager at a monofil in Tennessee , provides an insight into his use of HydraGuard at the monofil to control odors, and the intrusion of water into the landfill that reacted with the aluminum dross material deposited as waste. Reducing leachate volumes which have ammonia levels that reach as high as 6000 mg/l.
HydraGuard Benefits
A film forming coating that soaks into the soil and turns the soil into the coating itself

What Our Customers are Saying
ODOR AND VAPOR SUPPRESSION FOR SYDNEY TARPONDS: We nearly got shut down because of odors. NWC was called with ConCover 180 and HydraGuard and we were able to continue with reduced Odor Complaints.
ODOR SUPPRESSION & RAIN WATER INTRUSION MINIMIZATION: We have seen about a 25% reduction in the volume of leachate we are generating, while at the same time we seen a reduction in Odor Complaints
DUST CONTROL: Great Product, helps reduce the number of times we have to run our water truck.
Dust Control on Roads & Slopes

Dust Control on Roads and Flat Areas
HydraGuard can be blended for heavy, moderate and light traffic, and well as for large dust creating areas often found at the top of the landfill

Steep Slope Dust and Erosion Control
HydraGuard offers flexibility – it can be applied for Erosion Control as well as Dust Control on Steep Slopes

Use Existing Water Trucks to apply HydraGuard
HydraGuard can easily be applied to roads and slopes using either the canon on the Truck or the spray bar pictured above. Product easily disperses within tank by recirculating water back inside
Photo Gallery
HydraGuard Benefits: Impermability & Durability for Cover Materials
Benefits include better VOC Suppression – Longer Lasting Fugitive Dust Control – Employee Safety
Testing Shows 10-7 impermeability
New Waste Concepts has had the ConCover 180 and ConCover SW both with the addition of HydraGuard tested at a major lab for impermeability. Tests on both products reflect the addition of hydraGuard brings both products to a 10-7 level of impermeability
Major Engineering Firms spec ConCover 180 with HydraGuard for the tough jobs
ConCover 180 with HydraGuard has been specified by AECOM, SHAW, Obrien & Gere, Conestoga Rovers for Sydney Tarponds clean up, DOD and DOE facilities, Hudson River PCB project, and many more. Durability and Odor Suppression are the primary reasons for their choice. ConCover 180 NS with HydraGuard can sink and coat the bottom of a 6 inch deep pond so that a VOC and Odor suppressing layer is created and is in place when the pond fully evaporates.
Steep Slope Erosion Control & Revegetation medium
HydraGuard and either ConCover 180 or ConCover SW can be used on steel slopes up as shown in the top middle photo to the right. HydraGuard and the NWC polymeric additives create an excellent medium for the support of grass and other seed for revegetation.
Focused Features
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Statistics & Values
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Focused Features
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Statistics & Values
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Focused Features
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Statistics & Values
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.