Fast Flow Aerator
Aeration is the first step in treating most leachate
Pretreatment can cost less than a penny per gallon when analyzed over a 4 year period, and that can yield 10 -15 cents savings

NWCI: Fast Flow Aerator
New Waste Concepts Fast Flow Aerator is being used to raise the dissolved oxygen levels in a high flow and volume environment of a fish hatchery with virtually no energy being used in the process. High levels of dissolved oxygen are necessary for active fish in the thousands. High levels of dissolved oxygen are also needed for leachate to fully nitrify ammonia in an aerobic environment, along with reducing BOD levels. NWC’s ‘FAST FLOW AERATOR’ can be constructed to handle 2000, 50,000 or 350,000 gallons per day. Click on the attached link and view the video.
What can a NWCI FFA do for you?
Leachate Pretreatment
Lower your cost of disposal by pre-treating your leachate lower BOD, COD and Ammonia

Fast Flow Aerator Demo Unit
Fast Flow Aerator can prove its ability to add dissolved Oxygen to Leachate. I can show how many cycles are necessary with your leachate, to achieve full nitration, and the time required to do so. It also can provide you time frames for Denitirication, as well as impact on BOD and COD. Click the button below to schedule a demonstration

Fast Flow Aerator Installation
The Fast Flow Aerator can be easily installed in your containment area and will not take up much space. Valves and pumps can be automated, with automated controls that read DO, pH and other readings to cycle the system through aerobic and anaerobic/anoxic stages. Periodic cleaning of inline probes is necessary. Reach out to us to help you evaluate the cost by clicking on the botton below.
Focused Features
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Statistics & Values
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Focused Features
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Statistics & Values
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Focused Features
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.

Statistics & Values
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla vitae lectus a ligula fermentum elementum. Donec vitae aliquam lectus. Sed et turpis eget lacus suscipit hendrerit. Nam pretium felis quis est bibendum tempor.