Long-Term Covers
New Waste Concepts has been making Covers for over 40 years. We were one of the first companies to develop spray applied covers with the original ConCover line. Since then NWCI has the developed the most durable and cost effective line of long-term covers on the market today and our long-term cover products are used across the globe in some of the largest mission critical remediation projects in the world. With over 8 different covers designed to tackle every imaginable environment in the most cost effective manner we are sure that we have a cover for you.

ConCover SW (SuperPlus)
ConCover SW (SuperPlus) is a custom blend of HydraGuard and 180 added to a traditional ConCover SW mix which morphs our standard intermediate cover into a high quality cost-effective long term cover. ConCover SW (SuperPlus) is a patented blend of technologically advanced polymers and recycled fiber that forms an extremely durable slurry when mixed with water. When applied, it creates a uniform, encapsulating barrier that can last 8-10 months or longer. ConCover SW SuperPlus is the ‘perfect’ low cost long-term cover and has a long track record of success in remediation, landfill, and long-term erosion and seeding projects. ConCover SW (SuperPlus) is a biodegradable, non-toxic material (HMIS rated ‘0’ for health, fire & reactivity) and uses recycled materials making it the greenest & safest high-end intermediate and long-term cover material on the market today.

ConCover 180/180NS

ConCover 180 & 180NS is a patented technologically advanced ‘Air Entrained’ Sprayable Slurry. Ideal for use as a long-term cover or as a remediation cover for suppressing fugitive dust, VOC’s or odors from contaminated sediments. The NS or Non-Setting version is especially useful when there is an on-demand aspect to when the cover needs to be applied. When ConCover 180 & 180NS is applied it creates a consistent, impervious barrier up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) in thickness that can last upwards of 12-18 months. Because of the entrained air, it can be applied to (50-60 to 1) sludge ponds to suppress odors. The NS version can be applied to sludge ponds with up to 6″ of surplus of surface rainwater. The standard thickness of ConCover 180 is 1/2 – 3/4 inch (1.27 cm to 1.9 cm).
ConCover 180 & 180NS arrive at your site as a Two-Component System, consisting of chemical ‘A’ bags and a recycled paper and wood fiber matrix blend ‘B’ bag. ConCover 180 blends are biodegradable, comprised of non-toxic material (HMIS rated ‘0’ for health, fire & reactivity) and uses recycled materials making it the greenest & safest product on the market today
ConCover 180 has a slightly exothermic reaction driving off moisture as part of its curing process.
ConCover 180 Ultra
ConCover 180 Ultra is a custom blend of our flagship long-term cover and HydraGuard. The addition of HydraGuard is a custom blend designed to extend the life and durability of the cover barrier. Since HydraGuard makes the final product hydrophobic is ideal for repelling water and creating a barrier to enhance VOC and odor suppression. When applied it creates a consistent, impervious barrier up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) in thickness that can last upwards of 15-20 months. The standard thickness of ConCover 180 is 1/2 – 3/4 inch (1.27 cm to 1.9 cm).

Why Choose a NWCI Long-Term/Remediation Cover?

Superior Adhesion
Problematic Surfaces are No Problem
Our chemistry allows the slurry to stick to anything. Our famous hand test shows how well our covers stick to even an upside down surface. Plastics, Glass, Vertical Surfaces are no problem!
Extreme Vapor Suppression
NWCI’s line of Long-term covers are idea for creating ultra performing vapor suppressing barriers. The chart to the right shows just how effective our ConCover products can be when compared to even a soil cover. Our covers are used in some of the largest remediation projects in the world for this very reason.
Vapor Suppression Experiment: Soil Vs. ConCover
Robust Hydrophobic Barrier
Water can cause a variety of issues with a cover. Our hydrophobic additives can make a cover even stronger so every cover has the ability to have maximum water impermeability. NWCI’s long-term and remediation covers are designed to withstand the harsh conditions mother nature surprises us with.

Non-Setting Formulas
ConCover 180NS offers the ability to mix a maximum protective barrier without worrying about the product setting in the machine. Perfect for ‘On Demand’ situations.
ConCover 180NS & HydraGuard
Can Be Applied Through 6″ of Water. Even when you have 6″ of water ponding over the surface on which you want to apply a suppressing odor, VOC or dust control product, you can do so with ConCover 180 NS with HydraGuard. When the water evaporates the Cover will remain in Place!
What can a NWCI Intermediate Cover do for you?
Mission Critical Remediation
NWCI’s long-term cover materials are some of the most trusted covers used in the remediation industry. Some of the top environmental engineering firms use ConCover for vapor suppression, soil remediation, stabilization and odor control.
Steep Slope Stabilization
The ConCover line of long-term and remediation covers are ideal for slope stabilization. From post-fire seeding to landfill excavation to soil remediation piles our covers can strengthen and protect any slope. Preventing erosion and water penetration as well as suppressing any vapors.

Fugitive Dust Suppression
Fugitive dust can be deadly especially in remediation project. Our covers have been used to control Asbestos and even radioactive dust particulate. Talk with a rep to learn more